Award-winning Argentinian drama short “Text Zen” arrives at ISA channel

Text Zen
Text Zen

Bruno went out with her four days ago and since then no response from her. Today he texted her using WhatsApp two hours and twenty-seven minutes ago, and that does not receive a response. He arrives at his neighborhood after a long day and while shopping in the Chinese supermarket, he despairs. He navigates the dark stream of his own thoughts while interacting randomly with some oriental characters. And it does not manage to silence that voice that is sinking more and more in neurotic speculations about the meaning of that double lines of WhatsApp and the lack of answers.

Text Zen” (Argentina), the 7-minute drama short directed by Julián Castro and Alejo Rosemberg, is streaming now at ISA channel. Recipient of an honorable mention for Best Indie Short in April 2018.

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