

I have produced a philosophical animation based on Jean Baudrillard’s definition of Simulacr and Simulacion, which had the most influence on my gallery.
Tropical fish that continue to appear in this video appear as a medium for images (characters) that are simulated. Tropical fish themselves appear, or they appear on post-its. The first character appeared as if he were the main character, but it was a game character (image), and the second character is a character (image) that monitors and imitates the third character. You can think of the reason why the first, second, and third characters resemble each other because they were imitated. The second character is still an incomplete image and has a split (glitch effect). If you look closely, there is also CCTV in the second character’s room, which also throws the possibility that someone is watching and imitating. The third character is a character (image) that mimics an artist who looks tired and looks similar to the author. Although it is the character closest to reality, tropical fish were inserted to suggest that it is an imitated image. Where the third character led the body, there is a computer that shows a screen drawing the same picture as the first character. It was titled “Muddle,” meaning a confusing video that makes it difficult to distinguish between reality and imitated images, and the last and first scenes of this video were the same, indicating confusion and repetition due to the production of other images. Also, in this video, as a result, it was set so that there was no main character. All of the characters are just images that imitate reality and repeat it. If there was a real protagonist of this video, he would be a writer. It is an experimental animation that I tried because I wanted to produce a video that made me think twice and induce interpretation. It will also be interesting to interpret it from the perspective of Metabus, an emerging issue in the COVID-19 era.

Directed by Jungmin Lee (South Korea)

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