

Promise is inspired by Jieguan Weiche from Zi Bu Yu (What the Master Would Not Discuss), a collection of supernatural stories. It’s Sun who collects Zhang’s corpse in a coffin after Zhang dies in war zone. And as Sun once promises Zhang, he himself has deliverd Zhang’s coffin to Mr. Xue, an old friend of Zhang. However, Mr. Xue chops up Zhang’s coffin when he receives it from Sun, saying that Zhang has to get out and drink a full cup of wine with him as Zhang promises him before joining the military. But can a dead soldier ever come back to life? Well, to Sun’s surprise, Zhang indeed rises from the coffin. As Zhang later explains to Sun, one must keep his promises, even in death. Seeing Zhang and Mr. Xue drinking, Sun is so moved by their friendship.

Directed by Zhang Heng (China)

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