Award-winning Indian romantic comedy “Manasanamaha” streaming at Independent Shorts Awards TV


A young man muses on the nature of love, recounting three relationships from his past.

Manasanamaha” (India), the remarkable 17-minute film directed by Deepak and starring Viraj Ashwin, Drishika Chander, Valli Raghavender, and Prithvi Sharma, is now available for streaming at Independent Shorts Awards TV. Awarded Platinum Best Romantic Comedy Short in April 2020.

Deepak Reddy was born on January 29, 1991, in Andhra Pradesh, India. He is an independent filmmaker – producer, director and writer, known for his short films “WTF” (2013), “Excuse Me” (2015), “Hide and Seek (2016)”, and documentary “Promised Land”. Associated with Kala Media, worked as an assistant director for feature films, prominently in Telugu Cinema.

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