Best Film of December 2019 “Bigger Than Life” premieres at ISA TV channel

In the City of Angels four people meet during a car sharing trip. It’s a driver and three clients. They come from four different parts of the world and they meet that day like they have a mysterious appointment.

Bigger Than Life” (USA), the mandatory 21-minute indie short directed by Italian Marina Rocco, is streaming now at Independent Shorts Awards TV channel.

Starring Hayley Mcfarland, Bahram Khosraviani, Marina Rocco and Jack Cho, “Bigger Than Life” was awarded Best Film of December 2019, Platinum Best Indie Short, Best Director (Female), Best Acting Ensemble, Best Cinematography, and Best Original Story.

The film was presented by cast and crew last month at the ISA February red carpet and premiere screening in Raleigh Studios Hollywood.

Start your 7-day free trial and enjoy one of the 300 amazing award-winning films available at the exclusive streaming channel of Independent Shorts Awards.

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