Award statement of Jaak Erasmus and Nathan Brooks for the sci-fi “The Crossing”

From South Africa, one of the pleasant surprises of September round, “The Crossing“, directed and produced by Jaaak Erasmus and co-produced by Nathan Brooks. Awarded Platinum Best Sci-fi Short Film and Best Original Story.

The Crossing
The Crossing

“We are all afraid of dying. Well most. Some like to believe in life after death. A better place. And some believe in nothing. Blackness. But what if you never die? What if there are multiple universes? And you exist in every one of them? This is “The Crossing”, says Jaak Erasmus. “The Crossing is a philosophical drama that plays off in the now. Karel, our hero’s goal is to find his way back to the love of his life. After realizing he is experiencing multiple lives, Karel together with Albert starts building a time machine. It took them years. Karel believes, now that they have proven time and the consciousness consist of matter, he can finally find her. Not by moving through time only, but also through memories”, adds the director.

“We worked with some of South Africa’s top actors to ensure the story gets told in an odd and intense way. The directing, cinematography and music are all fresh and unique as it is the first film project for these individuals”, recalls Jaak.

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