Together: The Minority Mountain Bikers in the Heartland

Together: The Minority Mountain Bikers in the Heartland

Together: The Minority Mountain Bikers in the Heartland
Together: The Minority Mountain Bikers in the Heartland

Together: The Minority Mountain Bikers in the Heartland is an uplifting film about people of color thriving in an underrepresented sport and doing so in an unlikely place, Arkansas. Their unlikely allies came forward after being confronted on social media, also an unlikely outcome in a space where the algorithms reward division and vitriol. The abundance of urban accessible mountain bike trails in NW Arkansas made the location for the group’s largest annual gathering a logical choice, but numerous participants from around the country arrive with apprehension about a state that was once part of the confederacy and both resisted and fought for school integration in the 1950’s. This is their story of reconciling expectations, riding bikes, connecting, and growing together.

Directed by Garrett Hubbard (USA)

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