The Grimoire Chapters: Rem – Episode 5 (S3)

The Grimoire Chapters: Rem - Episode 5 (S3)
The Grimoire Chapters: Rem – Episode 5 (S3)

Episode 5: Here Comes The Boogeyman
Do you want to hear a bedtime story? A man who consumes the flesh of his kin shall be cursed to roam the land as a bloodthirsty beast. He will be plagued by an ancient evil that will invade his mind and force him to commit unspeakable acts. He is coming. Sleep tight.

Season 3: Synopsis
In 1968, a deadly sleep experiment took place at the Parker family residence. A crime that would go down in infamy and sets in motion a series of events, leading to a startling killing spree in 1988. Who or what is the connection?

Directed by Michael Davis (USA)

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